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15 Articles


Posted by Nathanael Szobody on

Humility does not consist in self-deprecation. Seeking to hide what one is and what one is gifted with is to see those gifts and abilities as belonging only to oneself, and therefore an act of arrogance not to conceal. In fact this in itself is a pride, for we do not realize who gave the gifts and for what purpose they were given. We are mere tools in the hands of the maker. The gifts that he gives are meant to be displayed and used to the utmost extent so that his work is done. True humility is in being so consumed with the proper use of our gifts and abilities and calling, whether they be publicly displayed or never recognized by a single person, that the self almost disappears in the glory of God’s work.

To Drink or Not to Drink

Posted by Nathanael Szobody on

Tacitus wrote, that by the ancient Germans it was held no shame at all to drink and swill four and twenty hours together. A gentleman of the court asked: How long ago it was since Tacitus wrote this? He was answered, about fifteen hundred years. Whereupon the gentleman said: Forasmuch as drunkenness has been so ancient a custom, and of such a long descent, let us not abolish it.

— Martin Luther

And just when I thought living on a college campus had made me privy to every imaginable justification for drunkenness!


Posted by Nathanael Szobody on

Procrastination is as bad as overhastiness. There is my servant Wolf: when four or five birds fall upon the bird net, he will not draw it, but says: O, I will stay until more come, then they all fly away, and he gets none.

— Martin Luther

Who Needs Finals

Posted by Nathanael Szobody on

So why am I studying for finals? Theoretically a test, and especially a final, should be simply a reiteration of what has been taught in class or read in the text book. It is simply a way to determine if a student is progressing academically at a satisfactory rate.

In this case, there should never be cumulative finals. A course grade should be an assesment of the cumulative participation and production of a student throughout the semester.

Whereas in reality a final only shows a students ability to retain information studied the day before in frantic effort to grasp those essential bits of information for the test.

Maybe I should ditch college and get a real education.