To Drink or Not to Drink

Tacitus wrote, that by the ancient Germans it was held no shame at all to drink and swill four and twenty hours together. A gentleman of the court asked: How long ago it was since Tacitus wrote this? He was answered, about fifteen hundred years. Whereupon the gentleman said: Forasmuch as drunkenness has been so ancient a custom, and of such a long descent, let us not abolish it.

— Martin Luther

And just when I thought living on a college campus had made me privy to every imaginable justification for drunkenness!

Nathanael Szobody

Husband, father, and working for Christ's kingdom in Chad.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Bekka
    Well, i guess you thought wrong :-D doesn't make it the right thing to do, though, but i certainly don't need to tell YOU that.
    where on earth do you find these quotes?
  2. Nathanael
    sorry; it's a secret. no actually luther said most of his unseemly things when he didn't know it would be printed. a book called "table talk" is a compilation by his students of things he said around the dinner table.