John 14:21

How can we know God? Where can we see his face and understand his being? According to this verse it’s very simple: obey his commandments.

All that God commands is summed up in “love God and love your neighbor.” So since “God is love” and in obeying his commandments we also love, it makes since that the one who keeps Christ’s commandments will see Christ manifest to him.

“Lord how sweet is your law! For in our union with you we are no longer condemned by it and are free to revel in the love of it–which is your character. How could we desire anything but to follow your commands, to thoroughly sacrifice ourselves to your will so as to become one with your love.

You conquer daily the sin that manifests itself in us. Destroy that which you have conquered and fill us with your love–a desire for your commands. For we are week and cannot reach you to see who you are; we are full of sinful desires. So we thank you for your law that shows us what is good and pleasing to you.

We give you glory for fulfilling the law for us, for giving your grace to us, for planing faith in our heart, for sustaining our soul with you love. So now keep your holy commandments in our mind and heart so that we may reflect your image.”

Nathanael Szobody

Husband, father, and working for Christ's kingdom in Chad.