
Humility does not consist in self-deprecation. Seeking to hide what one is and what one is gifted with is to see those gifts and abilities as belonging only to oneself, and therefore an act of arrogance not to conceal. In fact this in itself is a pride, for we do not realize who gave the gifts and for what purpose they were given. We are mere tools in the hands of the maker. The gifts that he gives are meant to be displayed and used to the utmost extent so that his work is done. True humility is in being so consumed with the proper use of our gifts and abilities and calling, whether they be publicly displayed or never recognized by a single person, that the self almost disappears in the glory of God’s work.

Nathanael Szobody

Husband, father, and working for Christ's kingdom in Chad.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. tchiwringa
    hey, i've got a friend who wrote this peom nd i loved it- thought i'd share it with you!

    "The Iron That Floated"

    Here I am,

    Hammering away my life

    With nothing to show.

    The gift given me from above

    Is now gone, useless;

    Restore it Lord.

    Here I am,

    With an empty life,

    Spent in futile toil.

  2. Sarah
    Good point in this post. I heard someone else (I can't remember who right now) phrase it in this way: "Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It's thinking of yourself less."