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3 Articles

To Drink or Not to Drink

Posted by Nathanael Szobody on

Tacitus wrote, that by the ancient Germans it was held no shame at all to drink and swill four and twenty hours together. A gentleman of the court asked: How long ago it was since Tacitus wrote this? He was answered, about fifteen hundred years. Whereupon the gentleman said: Forasmuch as drunkenness has been so ancient a custom, and of such a long descent, let us not abolish it.

— Martin Luther

And just when I thought living on a college campus had made me privy to every imaginable justification for drunkenness!


Posted by Nathanael Szobody on

Procrastination is as bad as overhastiness. There is my servant Wolf: when four or five birds fall upon the bird net, he will not draw it, but says: O, I will stay until more come, then they all fly away, and he gets none.

— Martin Luther