Daily Archives

One Article

The Leaven of the Pharisees

Posted by Nathanael Szobody on

“Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod'” said Jesus to his disciples.

Jesus had just fed four thousand people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish. He had gotten into a boat and sailed to another town with his disciples, and there the Pharisees had asked for a sign from him to prove that he was from God.

The Pharisees in this town had not seen Jesus feed the four thousand on the other side of the lake, but the disciples had. And Jesus’ warning was issued to them who had both seen his miraculous providence of bread and Jesus’ subsequent refusal to give the Pharisees a sign. The four thousand people wanted only full bellies and healed bodies, the Pharisees wanted to prove to themselves that Jesus was not who he said he was, but the disciples were the clay that Jesus was molding.

For their sake he worked miracles and refuted the Pharisees. But they did not understand. When he gave them this warning the disciples thought he was rebuking them for not bringing bread along in the boat. They also, had their narrow understanding of who Jesus was, but to them Jesus was compassionate.

He reminded them that when he fed the five thousand with five loaves there were twelve baskets left over, and when he fed the four thousand with seven loaves there were seven baskets left over. “Do you not understand?” he asked.

Do we understand? The people wanted to be provided for, the pharisees wanted to prove their spirituality, but what did Jesus want to teach the disciples?

Jesus did not come to fill us with what we think we need. He did not come to make us feel spiritually sufficient, he came to pour out his life for many. And in warning the disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and that of Herod, both people who prided themselves in representing the Jews as God’s chosen people, he was warning them against a self-serving spirituality.