Judgement; To Be Desired?

We read the book of Revelation, Jesus’ prophecies concerning the end times and Daniel’s visions as well, and we try to make some sense of it all. What we get at first is that there will certainly be judgement.

We pray that God’s kingdom comes, but do we really mean it? I mean, do we look forward to the judgement? I’ve often found myself praying that God’s kingdom come, when what I really mean is “may the present aspect of your kingdom be realized.” What I mean by the ‘present aspect’ is the reign and rule of Christ in the hearts of his people.

Now as theologically correct as this may be it is also somewhat of a subterfuge. Christ’s kingdom is most certainly here to some extent; the essence of it is realized through a communion with him through faith. But certainly his kingdom will not come fully until all sin is judged and we dwell with him in the new creation.

So is it wrong to desire not to be alive on this earth in the last days? The prophecies are full of comfort for the believers that Christ is in control and that those who remain faithful will be rewarded, but does that mean we are to look forward to it? Or perhaps the position of the believer is simply to be at peace with what is going on around, whatever the time that has been given.

Of course this seems to be the only viable answer–to the point of being almost cliche. But practically this could seem like a passivity that borders apathy. God revealed these things to us for a reason; there is real spiritual combat that does and will take place.

I suppose fear is never the right way to approach life, for I John 4:18 says that there is no fear in love. How can we be afraid of Christ’s coming? And yet will not all be in awe and fall the their knees at the sight of Jesus coming to judge the world? Whatever the case; I know that I am to pray and desire for him to come and rid this life of all the sin and pain that besets it, and to bring us to eternal joy with him. As for the judgement, that will continually shape my outlook on the future and its ramifications for life today–thought perhaps I can’t define exactly how yet.

Nathanael Szobody


Husband, father, and working for Christ's kingdom in Chad.