Ephesians 2

Our effectual calling to be the people of God, as individuals into a body, was not to complete our self-improvement project, nor to make us happy, nor to get us into heaven, nor to make us successful here on earth. We were chosen, called, and made holy through pain, suffering, sacrifice and death in Christ to make a dwelling place for God; to enjoy a ‘communion’ or loving presence with him in which all other blessings and pursuits find their fulfilling role.

Heavenly Father, you are to be lifted up above all for it is on the cornerstone of your son Jesus Christ that you build a dwelling place for yourself out of us sinners. We were lost and at war with you; alienated from the promise of your testaments, but in the person and death of your son you have united us with yourself and created a new man. By your Holy Spirit you have made peace between us and yourself so that we are no longer strangers, but coheirs with your son in your glorious inheritance.

Your word teaches us that you do all this for your glory, to defend the holiness of your name. And so Lord, we glorify you and praise your mighty name,not only in words and song, but by daily living the testimony of your name, for we can take no credit for this new creation. You alone are the author and perfector of our faith and you alone are the architect of this new and eternal dwelling which is your church. So grant us the grace to be vibrant, living stones of this temple, living out lives to build up and strengthen your body by the power of love of your spirit.

Nathanael Szobody


Husband, father, and working for Christ's kingdom in Chad.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Elyse
    Hey! Remember me? lol... of course you do... anyways... I'm sure you know that I've been spending a lot of time with your family lately... It's been really fun :D!

    Ephesians is a good book. My Bible class is about to start studying it on Monday.

    hmm... I don't really have anything to say... I just thought I'd say hi... seeing how I haven't talked to you in around 5 years :D.

  2. Nathanael
    hey elyse! nice hearing from you! feel free to post comments on stuff you've been learning in ephesians. there's so much there!