The Existence of God

The existence of God can be argued for as long as philosophers want to entertain the possibility of their not being a God. One has to wonder; if it is so clear that God does not exist, then why are proponents of this idea still so preoccupied with proving it? Also, if God does exist, and he is the absolute cause, the infinite power, then why do believers in this God feel it so necessary to him for them to prove it?

There is considerable weight in most of the arguments for the existence of God. But as humanly constructed arguments, they are not infallible and superior logicians can find holes in them. I would suggest that this would not be the case if the ‘idea’ of the existence of God were not held at arm’s length, but brought to bear on the human as an individual

Nathanael Szobody

Husband, father, and working for Christ's kingdom in Chad.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Emilie
    Howdy stranger - no intellectual comments from me today - er - as usual. Check out another blog by Emilie - mostly cuz I let several slide (not Xanga, of course) and because sometimes I just need to have a different venue for venting and such. So it's more of that nonsense that I call blogging and you call nonsense, but you can check it out if you like.