Who Needs Finals
So why am I studying for finals? Theoretically a test, and especially a final, should be simply a reiteration of what has been taught in class or read in the text book. It is simply a way to determine if a student is progressing academically at a satisfactory rate.
In this case, there should never be cumulative finals. A course grade should be an assesment of the cumulative participation and production of a student throughout the semester.
Whereas in reality a final only shows a students ability to retain information studied the day before in frantic effort to grasp those essential bits of information for the test.
Maybe I should ditch college and get a real education.
Comments ( 7 )
i like your approach though anne; i've often said the same.
the entry wasn't meant to take any responsability of poor performance off the shoulders of the student either. we have a curve to take into account a professor's shortcomings.
and i hate to break it to you all, but a 'real' education would be far more difficult, requiring much more self discipline then in the spoon fed system that we enjoy.